
096kKumamoto Opera Company pays a courtesy visit to Mayor Kazufumi Onishi of Kumamoto City

 Operated by Coamix096k Kumamoto Opera Company will perform at Onishi, Kumamoto City on October 11th.KazushiWe paid a courtesy visit to the mayor.

stageWith eight theater troupe members including Ikumi Sugai, who will be starring in "Maeda Keiji Kabuki Tabi ~ Higo Tiger, Kato Kiyomasa ~ Edition",Shuichi Mochida, representative of Kumamoto Coa Mix, visited Kumamoto City Hall.We reported that the regular performances that were suspended due to the influence of the new coronavirus have resumed for the first time in two months.

Performances are held every Friday and Saturday from 7:00 pm at Sakura no Baba Josaien Kumamoto Castle Museum Waku Wakuza.


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