
Kenshiro will appear as a virtual artist at "JM Umeda Music Festival (β)" held on March 12th!

It has been decided that Kenshiro will make a virtual appearance on Day 1 of the virtual music festival "JM Umeda Music Festival (β)" (Saturday, March 12th). Yusuke Onuki, who played Kenshiro in the musical "Fist of the North Star: Fist of the North Star", will dress up as virtual Kenshiro and re-enact a scene from the stage play.

■What is JM Umeda Music Festival?

The music festival "JM Umeda Music Festival (β)" will be held in a digital recreation of Umeda! A portion of the proceeds will be donated to charity organizations! It will take place at the intersection where Hankyu Department Store and Hanshin Department Store face each other in the heart of Umeda! In addition to concerts by virtual artists projected on a large screen, there will be a variety of event booths lined up! Become an avatar and enjoy conversations with friends, concerts, shopping, and walking around the city! For more information, please visit the official website.

■ Date and time

DAY1: Saturday, March 12, 2022, doors open at 12:00 and various events begin, performance begins at 18:00 DAY2: Sunday, March 13, 2022, various events begin at 13:00, performance begins at 18:00

Ticket price

DAY 1 ticket: 3,000 yen (tax included), DAY 2 ticket: 3,000 yen (tax included), 2-day pass: 5,000 yen (tax included) Sales page

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