To commemorate the revival of the serialization of "Fist of the Blue Sky: Regenesis," Core Mix Inc.'s (Musashino City, Tokyo) official manga app "Manga Hot" will be offering all episodes for free for four days only.
Catch up on the latest episode of "Fist of the Blue Sky: Regenesis"!
"Fist of the Blue Sky: Regenesis" was revived in the January 2025 issue of Comic Zenon, released on November 25. Core Mix's official manga app "Manga Hot" will be releasing all episodes for free for four days only, in conjunction with the release of the latest episode on December 1.
Eligible works:
■Fist of the Blue Sky: Regenesis
Implementation period:
November 27, 2024 (Wednesday) 0:00 ~ November 30, 2024 (Saturday) 23:59
Review the story so far on "Manga Hot" and prepare for the revival of the legend!
With the official app "Manga Hot" you can read the latest trending manga for free!
"Manga Hot" is the official Coremix manga app that offers over 200 titles, including the popular "Record of Ragnarok." Be sure to download the app and enjoy the latest titles.
DL is here