
Movie “Angel Sign” Blu-ray & DVD released!

The Blu-ray & DVD of the movie ``Angel Sign'', directed by Tsukasa Hojo, was released on Saturday, May 2nd. As a bonus, the first edition Blu-ray will include an ``original storyboard script (scaled version)'' drawn by Tsukasa Hojo. This is a 100-page storyboard drawn by Hojo himself as a script for filming this film, which has no dialogue. The actors and staff attempted to shoot based on the storyboard that the director envisioned as a video. The included bonus footage is also gorgeous. In addition to the complete version (director's original version) of each of the 5 omnibus episodes, it also includes making-of footage including unreleased footage of Nao Matsushita and Dean Fujioka, special footage, trailers, etc. (approximately 170 minutes).Click here for details

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