
Movie “Angel Sign” Special Talk Show @Tsuruya Department Store will be held!

It has been decided that a special talk show will be held with Hojo Tsukasa and Horie Nobuhiko, inviting Ogata Naoto, Kikuchi Momoko, and director Ochiai Ken, who starred in "Parting and Beginning," one episode of Hojo Tsukasa's first omnibus film "Angel Sign." The episode "Parting and Beginning" was filmed entirely on the Minamiaso Railway in Minamiaso, Kumamoto Prefecture, which has a deep connection to the Silent Manga Audition.  
Special talk show for the film "Angel Sign" [Guests] Naoto Ogata, Momoko Kikuchi, Ken Ochiai (director), Nobuhiko Horie, Tsukasa Hojo (general director) [Date and time] 10/5 Sat. 15:00- [Venue] Tsuruya Hall, 7th floor, Tsuruya East Building *The number of people allowed to attend the talk show is limited. Please fill in the necessary information in the application form below and apply. Applications will close as soon as capacity is reached. If you are interested, please fill in the necessary information in the application form below and apply. "Angel Sign" Movie Special Talk Show Application Form

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