
“Manga Hot” exceeds 100,000 downloads!

To celebrate reaching 100,000 downloads, Manga Hot will be releasing all chapters of the baseball manga masterpiece "Kenritsu Kaiku High School Baseball Club Yamashita Taro-kun" (Koseki Kouji), which was hugely popular in "Weekly Shonen Jump," and the hidden masterpiece "Killer Menkichi" (Tomizawa Jun), which was serialized in "Weekly Comic Bunch," for a limited time. If you download the app for free now, you will receive "100 lives" that allow you to read 100 chapters for free. Please take this opportunity to enjoy Manga Hot. "Kenritsu Kaiku High School Baseball Club Yamashita Taro-kun" The story of how the members of the Kaiku High School baseball club, centered around Yamashita Taro, grow into the best baseball club. All 178 chapters will be released until Wednesday, July 5, 2017. "Killer Menkichi" GHQ issues a license to kill in order to eliminate criminals. The man who inherited that license, the second generation Menkichi, defeats evil! All 55 episodes will be available until Friday, June 30, 2017. ■"Manga Hot" official websiteApp StoreGoogle Playtwitter"Manga Hot" Facebook"Manga Hot" LINE@

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