
“Unsung Cinderella Hospital Pharmacist Midori Aoi” will be made into a drama starring Satomi Ishihara!

It has been announced that "Unsung Cinderella Hospital Pharmacist Midori Aoi" (Mamare Arai / Medical original story: Hiromitsu Tomino), which is being serialized in "Monthly Comic Zenon", will be made into a drama starring Satomi Ishihara at Fuji TV's Thursday theaters in April. I did. For the first time in the history of Japanese serial dramas, a new medical drama featuring a hospital pharmacist as the main character will be born. The sight of Midori Aoi working hard to protect patients' "everyday lives" is sure to touch the hearts of not only hospital pharmacists but also the "unsung heroes (unsung heroes and Cinderellas)" who are active in various industries! Please look forward to the most moving “prescription for the heart” drama this spring.

Comments from Satomi Ishihara, who plays the role of Midori Aoi Q) My first impression when I heard about this project: ``I had the impression that pharmacists are the people who hand out medicines at pharmacies,'' so I was wondering exactly what kind of work they do. Actually, I didn't know that.When I heard about the drama and read the original story, I was surprised at how difficult the job is, and I was keenly aware that pharmacists are experts who save lives with medicine.Personally, I , I have played doctors and nurses in dramas, but I think pharmacists have rarely been portrayed as characters.Even though they are important people who are close to patients, there was always a lot I didn't know.''Q) Aoi What do you want to keep in mind when playing Midori? ``Midori, who is depicted in the drama, has a more successful career than in the original story, so I think that while she has a warmth and kindness that helps patients, she also has a calm side.She is the patient's last resort. I want to act in a way that shows that I am not just a brash character, but that my true strength is kindness." Q) How do you feel about wearing the costume? “We worked together to think about the pharmacist's costume from the design stage.It is functional and stylish, but also has a cuteness to it that makes it feel natural to wear.With a white coat, you can distinguish it from a doctor or nurse. I was conscious of the difference in the design because my pharmacist friend told me, ``I don't want people to mistake me for a doctor in the hospital, so I make sure that my clothes don't cover my clothes.'' I hope that through this drama, people will understand that pharmacists also have uniforms.'' Q) Please give a message to the viewers. ``I would like more people to know about the job of a pharmacist.There were many things that surprised me when I learned about it for the first time.And I would like to convey the reality rather than just a dream.'' I would be happy if I could give people who actually work as pharmacists the energy to "do their best tomorrow."And I will do my best to convey the message of "never give up" and "value people" to everyone working in the world. I want to do my best.”

Comment from manga artist Arai Mamare: ``When I started this work, I interviewed a number of pharmacists, and they always asked me, ``Is it okay for pharmacists to be the main characters?'' ''There are many medical products, but pharmacists are almost never seen.However, this work was created by capturing the daily lives of these ``unsung heroes'' who work desperately. As a viewer, I'm looking forward to seeing 'Unsung Cinderella', which is unique to the drama!"

[Program Overview] Thursday Theater "Unsung Cinderella - Hospital Pharmacist's Prescription" <Broadcast date and time> Starting in April Every Thursday (22:00-22:54) <Cast> Satomi Ishihara and others <Staff> Original work: "Unsung" Cinderella Hospital Pharmacist Midori Aoi” Mamare Arai / Medical Original draft: Hiromitsu Tomino (serialized in “Monthly Comic Zenon”/Coa Mix) Screenplay: Tsutomu Kuroiwa (“Grand Maison Tokyo”) Producer: Yusuke Noda (“Les Misérables: Endless Journey”, "Code Blue Special Edition - Another Battlefield") Director: Ryo Tanaka ("Confidence Man JP", "Dear Sister") Producer/Written by: Fuji Television Production Room 1<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><strong>Formula HP</strong></a> Official Twitter: @unsung2020</p><hr /><p>[Original information] Zenon Comics Volumes 1 to 3 are on sale now "Unsung Cinderella Hospital Pharmacist Midori Aoi" Mamare Arai / Medical original draft: Hiromitsu Tomino List price: 580 yen + tax<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><strong>Trial reading of episode 1</strong></a></p></div></div><section class="_contentId__shareSectionLower__30ZdG topics_bottom_share"><p class="_contentId__shareLabel__jp_kU"><span class="_contentId__text__ZeR8h">Share Topics</span></p><ul class="ShareButtons_list__kg2g_ _contentId__shareButtons__XCLp0"><li><a href="“Unsung Cinderella Hospital Pharmacist Midori Aoi” will be made into a drama starring Satomi Ishihara!&url=" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"><img alt="" loading="lazy" width="40" height="40" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="bottom_twitter" style="color:transparent" src="/social/sns_logo_x.svg"/></a></li><li><button aria-label="facebook" class="react-share__ShareButton" style="background-color:transparent;border:none;padding:0;font:inherit;color:inherit;cursor:pointer"><img alt="" loading="lazy" width="40" height="40" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="bottom_facebook" style="color:transparent" 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Ishihara!","thumbnailFlg":false,"category":[{"id":"category1","createdAt":"2023-06-01T23:46:22.808Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-22T08:15:20.261Z","publishedAt":"2023-06-01T23:46:22.808Z","revisedAt":"2023-06-01T23:46:22.808Z","name":"coamix"},{"id":"category5","createdAt":"2023-06-01T23:47:00.750Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-22T08:15:28.332Z","publishedAt":"2023-06-01T23:47:00.750Z","revisedAt":"2023-06-01T23:47:00.750Z","name":"Media Mix"},{"id":"unsung","createdAt":"2023-06-14T07:03:49.116Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-14T07:03:49.116Z","publishedAt":"2023-06-14T07:03:49.116Z","revisedAt":"2023-06-14T07:03:49.116Z","name":"Unsung Cinderella Hospital Pharmacist Midori Aoi"}],"fvFlg":false,"importData":{"fieldId":"importData","content":"\u003cp\u003eIt has been announced that \"Unsung Cinderella Hospital Pharmacist Midori Aoi\" (Mamare Arai / Medical original story: Hiromitsu Tomino), which is being serialized in \"Monthly Comic Zenon\", will be made into a drama starring Satomi Ishihara at Fuji TV's Thursday theaters in April. I did. For the first time in the history of Japanese serial dramas, a new medical drama featuring a hospital pharmacist as the main character will be born. The sight of Midori Aoi working hard to protect patients' \"everyday lives\" is sure to touch the hearts of not only hospital pharmacists but also the \"unsung heroes (unsung heroes and Cinderellas)\" who are active in various industries! Please look forward to the most moving “prescription for the heart” drama this spring.\u003cimg class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-5046\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"1764\" height=\"2509\" /\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003chr /\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-5045\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"3184\" height=\"4246\" /\u003e Comments from Satomi Ishihara, who plays the role of Midori Aoi Q) My first impression when I heard about this project: ``I had the impression that pharmacists are the people who hand out medicines at pharmacies,'' so I was wondering exactly what kind of work they do. Actually, I didn't know that.When I heard about the drama and read the original story, I was surprised at how difficult the job is, and I was keenly aware that pharmacists are experts who save lives with medicine.Personally, I , I have played doctors and nurses in dramas, but I think pharmacists have rarely been portrayed as characters.Even though they are important people who are close to patients, there was always a lot I didn't know.''Q) Aoi What do you want to keep in mind when playing Midori? ``Midori, who is depicted in the drama, has a more successful career than in the original story, so I think that while she has a warmth and kindness that helps patients, she also has a calm side.She is the patient's last resort. I want to act in a way that shows that I am not just a brash character, but that my true strength is kindness.\" Q) How do you feel about wearing the costume? “We worked together to think about the pharmacist's costume from the design stage.It is functional and stylish, but also has a cuteness to it that makes it feel natural to wear.With a white coat, you can distinguish it from a doctor or nurse. I was conscious of the difference in the design because my pharmacist friend told me, ``I don't want people to mistake me for a doctor in the hospital, so I make sure that my clothes don't cover my clothes.'' I hope that through this drama, people will understand that pharmacists also have uniforms.'' Q) Please give a message to the viewers. ``I would like more people to know about the job of a pharmacist.There were many things that surprised me when I learned about it for the first time.And I would like to convey the reality rather than just a dream.'' I would be happy if I could give people who actually work as pharmacists the energy to \"do their best tomorrow.\"And I will do my best to convey the message of \"never give up\" and \"value people\" to everyone working in the world. I want to do my best.”\u003c/p\u003e\u003chr /\u003e\u003cp\u003eComment from manga artist Arai Mamare: ``When I started this work, I interviewed a number of pharmacists, and they always asked me, ``Is it okay for pharmacists to be the main characters?'' ''There are many medical products, but pharmacists are almost never seen.However, this work was created by capturing the daily lives of these ``unsung heroes'' who work desperately. As a viewer, I'm looking forward to seeing 'Unsung Cinderella', which is unique to the drama!\"\u003c/p\u003e\u003chr /\u003e\u003cp\u003e[Program Overview] \u003cTitle\u003e Thursday Theater \"Unsung Cinderella - Hospital Pharmacist's Prescription\" \u003cBroadcast date and time\u003e Starting in April Every Thursday (22:00-22:54) \u003cCast\u003e Satomi Ishihara and others \u003cStaff\u003e Original work: \"Unsung\" Cinderella Hospital Pharmacist Midori Aoi” Mamare Arai / Medical Original draft: Hiromitsu Tomino (serialized in “Monthly Comic Zenon”/Coa Mix) Screenplay: Tsutomu Kuroiwa (“Grand Maison Tokyo”) Producer: Yusuke Noda (“Les Misérables: Endless Journey”, \"Code Blue Special Edition - Another Battlefield\") Director: Ryo Tanaka (\"Confidence Man JP\", \"Dear Sister\") Producer/Written by: Fuji Television Production Room 1\u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eFormula HP\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/a\u003e Official Twitter: @unsung2020\u003c/p\u003e\u003chr /\u003e\u003cp\u003e[Original information] Zenon Comics Volumes 1 to 3 are on sale now \"Unsung Cinderella Hospital Pharmacist Midori Aoi\" Mamare Arai / Medical original draft: Hiromitsu Tomino List price: 580 yen + tax\u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eTrial reading of episode 1\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","publishDate":"2020-02-04T22:00:02.000Z","thumbnailURL":""},"gnewsUndistributeFlg":false,"content":null},"locale":"en","common":{"titleTemplate":"%s | COAMIX | Coamix Inc.","defaultTitle":"COAMIX | Coamix Inc.","description":"A manga publishing company that has been releasing numerous works since its establishment. 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