
Our representative Horie was interviewed on NHK “News Watch 9”

Today, May 24th, our company representative Horie was interviewed by NHK's News Watch 9 following Yokozuna Kisenosato's absence from the Summer Grand Sumo Tournament. We present some excerpts from his comments at that time.   --How do you feel about the absence? I was watching the tournament wondering how long he would continue fighting despite his injury, so I'm a little relieved. I think he continued to compete because he had a responsibility as a Yokozuna. All wrestlers train their bodies well before stepping onto the ring, so they can't fight unless they're in top condition. I think he probably felt it would be disrespectful to his opponent to fight when he wasn't in top condition. I think the fact that he continued to fight despite that was a glorious absence.   --How did you feel about this tournament, when you presented him with the mawashi? It was full of drama, and I was moved. Takayasu wore Kenshiro's mawashi as a sword bearer, and it looked as if the older brother Raoh (Kisenosato) was entrusting his feelings to his younger brother Kenshiro (Takayasu).   ---How did you feel when you first saw sumo wrestlers wearing manga mawashi? Three wrestlers wearing Fist of the North Star mawashi fighting in the ring... that was really a joy. I felt like the world of Hokuto and the world of sumo had merged. I can't help but feel like the reality is depicting a drama that surpasses Hokuto. I'm sure dramas that we can't imagine will be created on the ring.   ---Have you noticed any changes in Kisenosato since he became a Yokozuna? I feel like his atmosphere has changed a little since he became a Yokozuna. His behavior on the ring also seems to be in a state of nothingness, and I think that expression has become more noticeable since he became a Yokozuna. In an age where the words responsibility and pride have become less relevant, Kisenosato makes it easy to understand. He is carrying a burden that is unthinkable. The heavier the burden he carries, the cooler he becomes. In that sense, I think he is becoming a "cool guy." I look forward to seeing how he lives his life as a Yokozuna.   ---What are your expectations for Kisenosato in the next tournament? He has some time, so I hope he will make sure he is fully recovered. The story of Yokozuna Kisenosato has only just begun. First of all, I want him to think about his health first.  
© Yamada Toshiaki/NSP 2017 He also talked about his manga "Kisenosato Monogatari (tentative title)," the preview of which will be published in the July issue of Monthly Comic Zenon, which goes on sale tomorrow, May 25th.   ---How did you come to make Kisenosato into a manga? As a manga artist, I thought it would be easier to express it in manga than to talk about it. Kisenosato also agreed, saying, "That's a good idea." Manga is about drawing what you see with your mind's eye. Tetsuo Hara, in his supervision, said, "That body is packed with enormous muscles, so I want to express that," and he drew him more muscular than a normal sumo wrestler.   ---What parts do you recommend? The words of the previous master, such as "Become a loner if you want to become strong," "When you become a Yokozuna, the scenery you see will change," and "Sweat from your heart" appear throughout the work. Kisenosato has clumsily followed those teachings.   ---What are your thoughts in this manga? Kisenosato was injured on the 13th day of the previous tournament, and has not spoken about how he felt during the matches on the 14th and 15th days. I spoke to him and said that I wanted to somehow bring that out. I think that a person's character is revealed by how they behave when they are cornered. How did he feel that night when he was forced to choose between retreating or attacking? I hope that readers can feel what it means to have a bold heart. --- He was forced to take a break before the manga was released. I think that this absence and injury will add a nice contrast to the drama of Yokozuna Kisenosato. I'm sure Kisenosato will write a wonderful drama after that. ---Message to Kisenosato I hope he stays the way he is. Kisenosato has the power to bring drama to life. I hope you will always treasure this feeling. The first part of the manga "Kisenosato Seki Monogatari (tentative title)" is currently available for pre-registration.Manga Hot" will be released early on.   Our company will continue to support Kisenosato!

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