
First public high school manga department to hold open school

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On Wednesday, July 27th, Kumamoto Prefectural Takamori High School, which will be the first public high school to open a manga department in 2023, held an open school (school information session) for junior high school students.

Coremix is an artist training facility built in Takamori Town called "Artist Village Aso 096th WardWe will cooperate in providing facilities for use.

On this day, 130 junior high school students from all over Japan came to visit the school, which is celebrating its 75th anniversary. Of these, 101 were hoping to study manga, far exceeding the department's quota of 40 students.

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After the general information session in the school gymnasium,Monthly Comic ZenonShuichi Mochida, former editor-in-chief and president of Kumamoto Core Mix, conducted a trial lesson. In the lesson on the theme of "How to draw different facial expressions of characters that can be used around the world," junior high school students worked on drawing different facial expressions such as surprise and sadness.

after that,"Artist Village Aso 096th Ward" The facility was introduced, including the studio used for manga production.

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A collaborative effort between the Kumamoto Prefectural Board of Education, Takamori Town, and Coremix is underway with the aim of opening the department in 2023.


About the Kumamoto Prefectural Takamori High School Manga Department

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