
Results of the 11th Core Mix Kyushu International Manga Award announced!

The 11th Core Mix Kyushu International Manga Award received many applications from Kyushu and overseas, making it the most exciting yet!
In the Story Category, one work was awarded the Excellence Award, two works were awarded the Second Prize, two works were awarded the Future Award, and one work was awarded the Promising Award.
From the Silent Section, one Excellence Award, one Future Award, and three Promising Awards were selected.
Please look forward to what's to come from this extraordinary talent!

◯What is the Core Mix Kyushu International Manga Award?
This is for people based in Kyushu and Okinawa or overseas.A manga award presented by Core Mix.
We are accepting entries in two categories: the Story Category and the Silent Category, and this will be a big step towards making your debut as a manga artist.

[Story Category]: Story manga category of 39 pages or less, regardless of genre.
[Silent Division]: A manga division that uses no dialogue and is 5-17 pages long, based on the theme of the assignment.

◆ Announcement of the Results

Excellence Award [Story Category]: MY FRIEND TOMA/Plushelisa (France)

Excellence Award [Silent Division]: Rematch/A.O (Kumamoto Prefecture)

Runner-up [Story Category]: Black Dragon/Kowja (USA)

Runner-up [Story Category]: NEW DAYS/ryancomicpress (USA)

Future Award [Story Category]: BLACK TRIGGER/kon_nashi (Kumamoto Prefecture)

Future Award [Story Category]: Panic Delivery/Futatsuki (Okinawa Prefecture)

Future Award [Silent Category]: Light on Petals / Raiya (Kumamoto Prefecture)

Promising Award [Story Category]: Into the Lens / Kana Miyazato (Okinawa Prefecture)

Promising Award [Silent Category]: Life and Death / Fish and Meat Twins (Kumamoto Prefecture)

Promising Award [Silent Category]: Encounter at the Library / Neko to Kage (Kumamoto Prefecture)

Promising Award [Silent Category]: Admire/Saninuneno (Kumamoto Prefecture)

We are now accepting submissions for the 12th Core Mix Kyushu International Manga Award!
Detail isHerefrom.
Deadline: Wednesday, November 20, 2024

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